搜索 郑麒膺

  • 《四二八》是华山执导,周丽娟、韩国材、刘丹、郑雷主演的香港喜剧电影。
  • 青年捍探周福祥(费翔)的好友金(梁家仁),因误杀余人而引咎辞职,由警察沦为职业杀手。金所执行的多宗凶杀案中,恰巧由周负责这些案中,好友二人一明一暗,在命运安排下,面临生死决。期间周发现一个重大秘密……
  • 龙五年前因错手伤人而逃离香港,事过境迁,重返香港后在孤儿院遇见好友黄。此时黄已当牧师,而其女友May亦已嫁人。龙偶遇May,知其婚姻不美满,又得悉其丈夫为黑帮头目,遂劝May离开他。可惜May难逃魔爪,被其丈夫折磨致死。龙悲恸万分,重开杀戒,杀尽目中仇人。孤儿院的孩子们将其视作心目中的英雄,极其崇拜。然而龙法网难逃,被处极刑。为免孩子们重蹈其覆撒,龙故意在众人面前哭泣并高呼怕死,尽毁其英雄形象,唯有黄明白龙的苦心,喜极而泣,在他心中,龙这时才是真正的英雄。
  • 二十年前的狄龙,桌球技术高超,拳脚了得,后因为一场拳赛得罪了幕后操纵大哥,结果要天涯漂泊,以行船为生。如今,狄提早退休,重临香港,遇上青年蒋庆龙。蒋因追求老板妹妹梁婉静而与码头货运少东罗润平常起冲突,狄为扶持蒋,利用生活实例鼓励蒋不断奋斗。蒋於一次争夺梁的过程中,将罗打伤,狄往解围,并约定三个月后双方擂台打拳以定强弱…
  • Regular Eastern cinematic bad guy, Philip Ko stars in this typically baffling IFD affair as a hit-man who's brother happens to be a cop (yep, complications are very much on the cards here!) Of course, this being an IFD flick with Ko in it, one thing is immediately guaranteed; a rough sex scene(!) Just what the hell is it with Ko and such sequences in these flicks? As it happens we're not exactly given much chance to ponder such questions, as the ostensibly contractually requisite scene transpires within the very first minute of the films running time!!!! The rest of the film is a decidedly confusing mess (as we've come to expect from Joseph Lai's infamous production company) involving Ko hired to take out three targets including fellow regular bad guy John Ladalski (who it is revealed, has a somewhat sinisterly themed predilection for performing body painting and photography upon hapless damsels!) Whilst this plot is simple enough, matters become a more thoroughly head scratching affair when another tale of drug dealing and murder kicks into action involving two crime syndicates (or at least that's what I made of it anyway). Still, to be fair, do any of these films make even a jot
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