正在播放:Falling into You第18集
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Falling into You
  • Falling into You

  • 主演:金晨  王安宇  迟嘉  李卓钊  张凯莹  江宇顺  郭劲岐  高圣皓羽  刘增宇  西兰花  刘冠成  徐洁儿  
  • 状态:更新第26集
  • 导演:伊峥
  • 类型:大陆剧言情  偶像  竞技  
  • 简介:Duan Yucheng, who grew up in a small fishing village in Fujian Province, dreamed of becoming a high jumper. Under the guidance of the teaching assistant Luo Na, not only did he improve his performance rapidly, but they also grew fond of each other gradually. Finally, Duan Yucheng pushed past his limits and found true love with Luo Na.