搜索 豪斯特·巴奇霍

  • 琳达•肯逖未成年的儿子斯蒂法诺被人绑架了。有人认为他被藏在无法进入的迷宫一般的贫民窟的某个地方。琳达•肯逖即不能指望警察的帮助又不能指望她的丈夫,因为她的丈夫在一场车祸中严重受伤。她不得已向摄影记者本尼迪图请求帮助。本尼迪图的线人最终帮他们找到了绑架者的藏身地……
  • 犹太青年圭多(罗伯托·贝尼尼)邂逅美丽的女教师多拉(尼可莱塔·布拉斯基),他彬彬有礼的向多拉鞠躬:“早安!公主!”。历经诸多令人啼笑皆非的周折后,天遂人愿,两人幸福美满的生活在一起。 然而好景不长,法西斯政权下,圭多和儿子被强行送往犹太人集中营。多拉虽没有犹太血统,毅然同行,与丈夫儿子分开关押在一个集中营里。聪明乐天的圭多哄骗儿子这只是一场游戏,奖品就是一辆大坦克,儿子快乐、天真的生活在纳粹的阴霾之中。尽管集中营的生活艰苦寂寞,圭多仍然带给他人很多快乐,他还趁机在纳粹的广播里问候妻子:“早安!公主!” 法西斯政权即将倾覆,纳粹的集中营很快就要接受最后的清理,圭多编给儿子的游戏该怎么结束?他们一家能否平安的度过这黑暗的年代呢?
  • A romantic and funny love story with a tragic end. In Paris a young Hungarian artist (Monpti) and a girl (Anne-Claire) meet and fall in love. But just when she is prepared to give herself to him she finds a pair of lady's pants in his room. He is perfectly innocent but the reason why the pants are there is as humouristic as incredible. So when he tells the truth she gets very angry though she was prepared to "forgive" his "side step". Another pattern is much more serious. Anne-Claire fears that Monpti would have no interest in her if she told that she is a nobody. So she builds up a story of being a rich girl with a private chauffeur. She even takes Monpti to a family church funeral and points out all her relatives, even telling which ones are not on speaking terms. When he finally exposes her lies a violent explosion results. She runs away in despair and is overrun by a car. At the hospital their love returns. But she will die after a few days. - In the background of many scenes we have seen the couple who overrun Anne-Claire, and their shallow emotions were recurrently contrasted with the genuine love of the young couple.
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