搜索 罗密·施奈德

  • 美丽活泼的巴伐利亚伊丽沙白公主“茜茜”[罗密·施奈德饰],在奥地利渡假时邂逅年轻英俊的奥地利国王法兰兹·约瑟夫[卡而海因茨·伯姆饰],两人一见钟情。而此时国王已与茜茜的姐姐海伦定下婚约。 海伦是专制的皇太后苏菲指定的皇后人选,但国王已经无可救药的爱上了天真的茜茜,并最终违背母亲的旨意,在生日晚宴上宣布茜茜为自己未来的皇后。
  • 维斯康提那段讲罗密·施奈德扮演的美丽少妇设计向丈夫报仇,冒充他情妇,让他花钱才能得到她;德西卡的那段讲一个胆小的人赢得一个奖,奖品是跟一个女孩的约会;莫尼切里那段在很多海外版本中均被删除,其风格比较偏传统喜剧,较低调,容易消失在同行的阴影里;但最为出彩的还是费里尼的那段,名为《安东尼博士的诱惑》,讲一个波霸美女从海报上“活”过来,取笑一个道貌岸然的禁欲男子。
  • 彼得·奥图尔饰演时装杂志的编辑,对美女见一个爱一个,令他大感困扰,因此去向心理医生彼得·塞勒斯求教,不料这个天才医生比他还疯狂。加上损友伍迪·艾伦又从中搞局,使他跟未婚妻罗密·施奈德之间的关系更形混乱。
  • A romantic and funny love story with a tragic end. In Paris a young Hungarian artist (Monpti) and a girl (Anne-Claire) meet and fall in love. But just when she is prepared to give herself to him she finds a pair of lady's pants in his room. He is perfectly innocent but the reason why the pants are there is as humouristic as incredible. So when he tells the truth she gets very angry though she was prepared to "forgive" his "side step". Another pattern is much more serious. Anne-Claire fears that Monpti would have no interest in her if she told that she is a nobody. So she builds up a story of being a rich girl with a private chauffeur. She even takes Monpti to a family church funeral and points out all her relatives, even telling which ones are not on speaking terms. When he finally exposes her lies a violent explosion results. She runs away in despair and is overrun by a car. At the hospital their love returns. But she will die after a few days. - In the background of many scenes we have seen the couple who overrun Anne-Claire, and their shallow emotions were recurrently contrasted with the genuine love of the young couple.
  • 美丽活泼的巴伐利亚伊丽沙白公主“茜茜”[罗密·施奈德饰],在奥地利渡假时邂逅年轻英俊的奥地利国王法兰兹·约瑟夫[卡而海因茨·伯姆饰],两人一见钟情。而此时国王已与茜茜的姐姐海伦定下婚约。 海伦是专制的皇太后苏菲指定的皇后人选,但国王已经无可救药的爱上了天真的茜茜,并最终违背母亲的旨意,在生日晚宴上宣布茜茜为自己未来的皇后。
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