搜索 Chantana Kittiyapan

  • Through a mix-up both Note and Joe has a joint medical examination. Because of this Joe establishes a bond with the more hesitant Note. Note's problem is a rare disorder that gives him partially amnesia until he figures who he really loves
  • 一位被妈妈遗弃的小女孩总是被爸爸虐待,心理不平衡的她被恶灵布葩附身,小女孩顺着布葩的心又再度回到了公寓,但是不幸的是,小女孩在公寓惨遭毒手而命丧黄泉,至此之后,她和布葩一起搭档开始对于男性的复仇杀戮!因为屋主的死亡,奥斯卡公寓开始整修重建, J’Sam接管了这栋廉价公寓,而且把三楼改建为不合法的赌场,每天都有赌客流连在此。
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