搜索 雷切尔·布兰卡

  • 加拿大名导阿托姆伊戈扬再度辛辣上菜,以网路为题,讲述媒体对人的影响,入选戛纳电影节竞赛单元。故事讲述一位叫西蒙的高中生(Devon Bostick饰),在法语课上,老师布置了一个作业: 让他们翻译一篇新闻报道,是关于一个恐怖分子把炸弹放置在他怀有身孕的女友的行李箱里。西蒙因此受到启发,在网路上杜撰自已的故事,却意外引起来自世界各地网友的欢迎,而成为网路巨星。但另一方面,西蒙的现实生活正面临崩解,问题
  • A couple on the verge of a nasty divorce attempt to sell their empty love nest and move on with their lives, separately. After a successful open house they are horrified to discover, days later, that a potential buyer didn't leave their home. While Alice is being held captive in the basement, the unannounced house guest moves in upstairs. She senses her capture is being kept a rebellious secret. She knows her way only way out if she can only get out alive.
  • 圣诞老人陷在椅子里,眼睛看着圣诞精神表。圣诞精神一直处在一个低落的状态,工厂无法继续运转。更糟糕的是圣诞老人发现自己被运动产品大亨布拉克斯顿班尼特起诉了。班尼特先生声称,当孩子们没有收到想要的礼物时,圣诞老人触发了“极端情绪困扰”。为了赢回这个小镇以及圣诞精神之前的荣耀,圣诞老人决定为自己辩护。在法庭上,圣诞老人遇到了八岁的莉莉,她一眼认出了圣诞老人,并且推荐她的爸爸来为圣诞老人辩护。
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