搜索 Charles Reisner

  • 卓别林为“第一国家影片公司"拍摄的首部电影,片长三卷。卓别林在本片中把流浪汉的生活与狗的生活有趣地构成对比,他与它都同样要挣扎求存,并且忍受社会各阶层将他们踢来踢去。卓别林从本片开始思考到喜剧的结构问题,每一个段落均互相关连而构成一个整体。由于结构完整,使这部在内容上仍然是表现流浪流夏尔洛在贫民窑和酒店被警察追得东奔西跑的喜剧显得笑中有泪。
  • Steamboat Bill, Jr. is the story of a naive, college-educated dandy who must prove himself to his working-class father, a hot-headed riverboat captain, while courting the daughter of his father's rival, who threatens to put Steamboat Bill, Sr. and his paddle-wheeler out of business. Director: Charles Reisner, Buster Keaton Producer: Joseph M. Schenck Production Company: United Artists Audio/Visual: silent with musical score, black & white Keywords: Silent; Comedy; Buster Keaton
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