  • 刚刚走出大学校门的本恩(达斯汀•霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 饰)对前途十分茫然,偏偏在这时遇上了风流的鲁滨逊太太(安妮•班克罗夫特 Anne Bancroft 饰 )。虽然不再年轻,但鲁滨逊太太却一再勾引本恩,二人发生了关系。他们在约会过程中,本恩遇上了太太的女儿伊莱恩(凯瑟琳•罗斯Katharine Ross 饰 ),被她的纯真青春深深吸引。本恩吐露了爱意,与伊莱恩开始了正常的恋爱关系,却遭到了鲁滨逊太太的剧烈反对。母亲的震怒使伊莱恩觉察到了一些内情。伊莱恩非常伤心,仓促同意了另一个人的求婚。本恩冲向伊莱恩结婚的教堂,他要力挽狂澜……
  • 《木偶奇遇记》改编自意大利作家的同名童话小说。当仁慈木匠皮帕诺睡觉的时候,梦见一位蓝色的天使赋予他最心爱的木偶皮诺曹生命,于是小木偶开始了他的冒险。如果他要成为真正的男孩,他必须通过勇气、忠心以及诚实的考验。在历险中,他因贪玩而逃学,因贪心而受骗,还因此变成了驴子。最后,他掉进一只大鲸鱼的腹中,意外与皮帕诺相逢……经过这次历险,皮
  • Steamboat Bill, Jr. is the story of a naive, college-educated dandy who must prove himself to his working-class father, a hot-headed riverboat captain, while courting the daughter of his father's rival, who threatens to put Steamboat Bill, Sr. and his paddle-wheeler out of business. Director: Charles Reisner, Buster Keaton Producer: Joseph M. Schenck Production Company: United Artists Audio/Visual: silent with musical score, black & white Keywords: Silent; Comedy; Buster Keaton
  • The story opens in a Western saloon, where a young musician with a banjo begins to tell a tale of Lucky Luke and his sworn enemies the Dalton brothers: Joe, William, Jack and Averell. Luke has, once again, as he has done many times before, thrown the four outlaws into jail. The prison is also the abode of a guard dog named Rin Tin Can (Rantanplan in the original French language version). No sooner have the Daltons entered the jail than they are met by a lawyer named Augustus Betting. Betting informs the brothers that their Uncle Henry Dalton has died by hanging. However, over the course of his criminal career, Henry Dalton amassed quite a fortune, and has chosen to leave it all to his nephews on the condition that they kill the judge and jury who sentenced him to death. To make sure that the task is completed, Henry Dalton states in his will that his nephews must be accompanied by the only honest man that he has ever known, Lucky Luke. If the task is not successfully completed, the entire fortune will instead be given to charity. The brothers then decide to tunnel out of the jail, but end up digging into the dynamite storage building. When Averell lights a match, the building blows
  • 美国南北战争时期,约翰尼·格雷因职被委为火车司机,女友和家人都骂他是胆小鬼。北方联军将“将军号” 连同约翰尼·格雷的心上人一起劫走。作为“将军号”司机的约翰尼·格雷,不但要抢回心爱的火车,更要夺回心爱女人的心……为了抢回他那两项“最爱”,约翰尼不惜铤而走险,深入敌后,驾驶火车救出佳人,并把...