搜索 Jenni

  • 一事无成的大龄女青年莎拉意外继承了外婆的宠物犬“八哥”。这让她原本就一团乱麻的生活更加雪上加霜。当这位四条腿的不速之客不断地制造麻烦时,五短身材又臭脾气的它, 也给莎拉的生活带来了阳光和转机。
  • "Made In Romania" is the story of a producer who is given the chance to realize his dream project; to film an adaptation of an obscure, beautifully written Victorian novel, "The Tides of Reason". Disillusioned after years of making low budget genre films, the producer readily accepts the demands of his less than legitimate financiers. Namely, the production be filmed entirely in Romania to take advantage of a complicated and slightly suspicious tax deal. Shot in documentary style, this behind-the-scenes comedy deftly and inexorably exposes the painful reality of runaway film production. Way off the radar in deepest, darkest, rural Romania the hopelessly disconnected production veers swiftly off the tracks as bizarre personalities, cultural, economic and language issues quickly combine to send the production spiraling into hysteria.
  • Kyle Finn has the ultimate combat machine, a metal suit with super-human powers, and he uses it to defend the good and fight evil. That 'evil' comes in the form of Reed, his ninja henchmen and the Mecha Terror robot: has the Metal Man finally met his match?
  • 三位大学好友布兰达、埃利斯、安妮离开大学后各奔前程。但她们的婚姻是相似的,她们各自的丈夫都爱上了别的女人。虽然她们都把青春贡献给了自己的丈夫,协助丈夫名成利就,但她们还是无可避免都被丈夫抛弃了,成为了弃妇。三位昔日的好友成为了彼此之间的倾诉对象,难免得同病相怜一番。而她们更做出了一个重要的决定,团结一致的她们要对她们无情的丈夫们实行报复,组成了一支“前期俱乐部
  • 单亲孩子菲利普·佩里(T·J·劳瑟 T.J. Lowther 饰)的母亲对他管教甚严,8岁的小菲利普甚至从未参加过一次鬼节讨糖果的游戏。附近州监狱的两名罪犯越狱成功,劫持了菲利普作为人质,向德州边界逃窜。途中,罪犯之一的布奇(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)干掉了鲁莽愚蠢的同伙,却对小菲利普照顾有佳。与此同时,德州警探瑞德(克林特·伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 饰)带着手下和州长特派的犯罪专家萨利(劳拉·邓恩 Laura Dern 饰)一同火速追捕布奇。双方在德克萨斯州境内展开了一场公路赛大竞技;而小菲利普也经历了很多从未想过过的刺激与快乐,并与布奇产生了一种近似父子的不寻常感情……