- 影片改编自真实事件,理查德·朱维尔作为1996年亚特兰大奥运会爆炸案中发现炸弹装置的保安,而被全世界所熟知。当时他迅速采取行动,拯救了无数生命而成为英雄。但在几天之内,情况就急转直下,梦想成为执法者的他遭受媒体和公众的诽谤,竟成为联邦调查局的头号嫌疑犯,陷入了前所未有的 困境。朱维尔向独立律师沃森·布莱恩特寻求帮助,坚定地宣称自己无罪。然而,在为朱维尔洗脱罪名的过程中,布莱恩特发现自己对抗的是联邦调查局、佐治亚州调查局和警方的联合阻力;与此同时,他也不断提醒理查德不要相信任何试图毁灭他的人……
- Desperate to experience true emotion, a young woman, CARYS, regularly attends the funerals of strangers. But she's unprepared for the secrets she must keep and the lies she must tell when, at one fateful wake, she falls for TYLER, who is mourning his fiancée. As Carys allows herself to experience love for the first time, she begins to fear that perhaps her fascination with death might lead to her own untimely demise...