搜索 亚历山大·雷科

  • 二战刚结束,一群德国战俘被送到列宁格勒近郊的战俘营,看守都是俄国女人,直接受巴甫洛夫将军指挥(John Malkovich饰演)。女军医娜塔丽娅(Vera Farmiga饰演)为了保住由于受战争惊吓而精神不稳定的丈夫雅可夫,而与巴甫洛夫妥协,试图找出战俘中隐藏的前党卫军战犯。经受战争围困和折磨的列宁格勒女人一开始痛恨与仇视德国人,但在这个极度缺乏男性的严酷环境下,他们的关系渐渐变得不再像看守与俘虏。本片的众多细节都取材于历史真实事件。
  • Two dogs in love, a spaniel called Yoko, and Pirate, a mongrel, are placed in a pet hotel on New Year´s eve as their owners go away on vacation. Feeling insulted, the two dogs escape and return to their home, where they can enjoy eating, playing and sleeping in their owners´ bed. But the lovers’ paradise is brutally interrupted when two burglars break in...
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